Saratoga Springs
Typical July Florida Weather- Solo in Saratoga Springs
As soon as I walked up to the bus stop a bus appeared. This would be a trend for me I never waited more than 10 minutes for a bus the entire trip at SSR or anywhere else. I headed back took a quick break and changed into my swim stuff. I planned on heading to the SSR pool but …
September 25, 2013 Wednesday at 2:25 pm
Saratoga Springs My New Home- Solo in Saratoga Springs

I step thru the doors and instantly love Saratoga Springs Resort. It is the only WDW resort I’ve never been in, we have driven thru on the Magical Express but that was it. It’s beautiful. I did online check in so I went up to the counter and got checked in right away. And my room was ready! I had …
September 16, 2013 Monday at 9:02 pm
Planning or lack thereof – Solo in Saratoga Springs

I convince myself that I need to stay DVC for this solo trip. Since I’m not getting a good discount at All Stars with renting points I can find something not a lot more than my value resort reservation. I hit the DIS DVC boards hard and heavy and mouseowners. Anyone with $11 and under points I start researching and …
September 6, 2013 Friday at 10:38 am