Planning or lack thereof – Solo in Saratoga Springs

I convince myself that I need to stay DVC for this solo trip. Since I’m not getting a good discount at All Stars with renting points I can find something not a lot more than my value resort reservation. I hit the DIS DVC boards hard and heavy and mouseowners. Anyone with $11 and under points I start researching and inquire about every point availability out there. I post ‘wanted’ posts. I realize SSR is my only choice. We have Animal Kingdom Lodge booked in September for DH and I for our couples trip. I don’t want to stay there without him so I pass on all the AKL offerings. I look up stuff about SSR and remember some fabulous trip reports about it. I find someone who has points and will rent them to me. It’s not a great deal but not that bad. I take the plunge get ready to send payment and they rent them to someone else because I didn’t email them back within 20 minutes to double confirm I was booking. So back to the boards. I post some more. I almost give up and am ok with staying at All Stars. I get my Magical Express tags and my trip confirmation documents for there, I’ll survive, it is my favorite value resort after all.
I don’t DIS much on the weekends I am usually too busy to be online much. So I see an email of a PM from the DIS come thru. I check it and the title is I have DVC points I can give you. I think this is a joke or a scam even though the DVCFairy says it isn’t. I PM them back, then we exchange phone numbers and call. An awesome DISser here saw my posts for points, had 20 points they had not banked to save for their grown child to come to WDW in July. Their kid and grandkid couldn’t come. So my FairyDVC-godmother offered them to me. And rented me the rest of the points for about $10 a point! So I end up getting my entire stay at SSR in a studio for LESS than what I was paying at All Stars! I still am in awe. It seemed too good to be true then and still does even though its over. I am so thankful to be a member of the DIS because of the awesome people here that are willing to help out other Disney fans. I try to pass the magic along when I can but this was really over and above.
Now that my Saratoga Reservations are ready I can really start planning. I try not to say a lot to my husband because he isn’t coming but after a few days go by I can’t stand it. It starts with Honey is there anything you want me to do while I’m there so you don’t have to do it again in September? See Beauty in the Beast. Ok sure I will I love that show. Anything else? Nope not that I can think of. Hmm how about eating at Kona? Sure go for it. Hmm I might try their Sushi? Matthew: that stuff is nasty knock yourself out. Then I remember California grill is supposed to have awesome sushi, DH can I go to Cali grill? Matthew: sure. So Matthew what are you all eating in the wilderness in Montana? DH: I have no idea. Well what if you don’t like it? It’s not like you can go to McDonalds or Wal-mart. Matthew: I’ll survive. Enjoy your sushi and Disney food. I think sheww again it’s a great thing I’m not going to Montana. Then I plan eating at Hollywood Brown Derby for Cobb Salad. I love salads and they have the best. Then I start daydreaming about all the yummy places to eat salads. And then sushi. And all Disney foods.
I don’t make any ADR’s because its just me and I want to be free. Free to wander around. I figure if I get shut out of the places I want to go I’ll just go somewhere else. Then I start a list of things I want to do that Matthew will do but doesn’t love. Beauty and the Beast, all the parades, Wishes, Illuminations. My list grows and grows. I know it will be busy so I plan on things like Liberty Belle and Hall of Presidents. I don’t count on hitting headliners like Rock N Roller Coaster, Space Mtn, Splash, etc as must do’s in case its too busy. It is mid July after all. I plan on the waterparks. Matthew likes them but doesn’t love them. I think ooh I can spend hours in the lazy river just going around and around. I am getting more and more excited.
My biggest part of my plan is to not plan. I just want to go with the flow this trip, be flexible and let the magic take over and dictate my trip.
September 6, 2013 Friday at 10:38 am