The Pin Code Fake Out
I got one, finally! A pin code. Yah! What??…….
You got an email from Disney Destinations, you excitedly click on it. A brand new shiny pretty email opens in your inbox and you scroll thru the details. A 6 night vacation for a family of 4 for under $2000. It seems like a good rate but what’s the special offer? Is it free dining? 30% off? You quickly skim the details and see your special offer code. XYY. Hmm that’s not 10 digits, but this has to be a pin. It’s from Disney Destinations, it is titled “Enjoy this great rate, Robinson family!”. You call your travel agent excited to share the news. You tell her of the offer and then she asks for the code. XYY. “Oh, really?”
Her voice says it all, your heart drops to your knees. Your travel agent explains the email pricing is what Disney calls ‘rack rate’ to the rest of us that’s full price. No sale, no deal, full price! What? How could Disney do this to you? Is Ashton Kutcher waiting to jump out and scream “You got punk’d!!!”? No. Sadly not even a visit from the sitcom star is coming your way.
There is some good news in this sad story. Not a happy ending but a little shining light at the end of the long dark pin-less tunnel. Disney knows you exist and they want to see if you are interested in them and they know how to get ahold of you. That is why you got selected for a marketing offer. Disney sends out these offers from time to time to see how many people will check out the deal. This does not mean you will get a pin code later but you are in their system. While calling in is not necessary to let Disney know you got it, make sure you click on every email they send you of this nature, they can see if you opened it and the more they know you are looking the more apt they are to come fishing for your business. Now keep looking for the real deal in upcoming emails and mailers.
August 30, 2013 Friday at 1:26 am