It’s time for the Toy Story Midway Mania Mad Morning Dash!- Solo in Saratoga Springs

I woke up nice and rested early on Sunday morning. I headed to the bus stop to make rope drop at Hollywood Studios. I walked up as the DHS bus was pulling up. I hopped on with about 3 other people and headed off to DHS. I walked up to the turnstiles and they were pretty full far back but it wasn’t open yet. At precisely 847 am the lines started moving and people were going in. I was of course in the line of THAT family. You know them, you have been behind them, they don’t have their tickets out, their kids are running around the line bobbing in and out of line, they are bickering with each other and saying Suzy get back in line, Suzy stop that, Suzi…, and then they get to the turnstiles and act like it’s an alien probing machine. They dig out their tickets give them to the wrong people in their party, then they don’t know how to do finger scans. Yep I was behind a whole row of them.
It seemed to take forever but I was in right at 9am and took off for Toy Story Mania. I grabbed a Fastpass (there was no line for them at this point) and hopped in standby. The posted wait was already
I knew that was wrong when I walked in and right up to Mr Potato head passing all this along the way. You can see the que starting to build behind me some. Although I would never wait an hour or longer I do love the que design here, it always brings back some great childhood memories.
I grabbed my glasses and when we hit the split I asked the Cast Member if I could go up the right side of the stairs since I was single. He said sure have fun and off I went. I was on and off Toy Story Mania in less than 15 minutes.
Matthew beats me at this game about 70% of the time when we come so I needed some practice. I was proud of my scores and I’ve been practicing on our Wi at home so I hope next time I can beat him every time. I never have a shot at winning on Space Ranger Spin ( he maxes out every time its annoying) so Toy Story Mania is my only shot.
I hopped off and got back in standby line. It was about 20 minutes in and back out the door this time.
Then I headed over to Rock N Roller Coaster. Single Rider was open I walked right to the top with no resistance and then the CM held me there for about 5 minutes letting standby thru. Then he sent us singles on and I walked right up and into a limo after being let out of the movie room.
I was shocked at how quickly I was I dashed over to Tower of Terror. I love this ride, no one else in my family enjoys it as much as I do but I could ride over and over. I had about a 20 minute wait total to get in the elevator.still moving thru the park in July.
The park has been open about an hour and this is how slow Hollywood Boulevard still is:
In July! Seriously at Disney its totally worth getting out of bed early.
After Tower of Terror my tummy was growling. I was ready for some breakfast. I hate the counter service in Hollywood Studios I just can’t find anything there I ever want so I was not very optimistic heading into Starring Roles. We have tried eating there several times but every time we go their sandwiches have some king of mayonnaise sauce on them. To say I have an aversion to mayo is putting it mildly. A phobia is more like it. We don’t have it in our house. I won’t go down that aisle in the grocery past it I will go all the way around. I am a cook for our church (200-300 people at some meals) and I flat out won’t cook with it. I have become very creative to get around it (and make a kicking baked potato salad with sour cream). I can’t stand to even look at it and have been known to have to leave the table and room gagging if someone around me is eating it and I see it on their face or plate. I am getting much much better and haven’t lost my lunch at the site of it in about 2-3 years now but I still wouldn’t dare eat it. I had decided on a bagel but really wanted something more substantial when I saw this puppy.
I got my hopes up and asked what the sauce was, it was mustard! I could have jumped up and down. I ordered it without chips and took my breakfast outside to people watch and enjoy a few minutes off my feet. It was really good a nice sized sandwich and without chips the perfect breakfast, it was hearty and had plenty of protein so I was full quickly. I sat in the morning sun watching people eat their breakfast and fend off the birds.
Then I headed back to Toy Story Mania to use my Fast Pass and get in a little more practice. After that I wandered around the park a big, crowds were pouring in so I finally decided to go visit the Backlot Tour. I don’t really like this ride but with its lack of popularity and the great amount of real estate it takes up there is always a possibility it is on the chopping block for something bigger and better so I feel obligated to ride it. What if it is the last time I get to?
I mean where else am I going to go to pretend I am on a movie set and watch a truck explore circa 1992?
One of the great things about the Disney parks, is the employees, the Cast Members seem to be happy and have a great time. This picture reminds me of that and cracks me up.
After wandering around the park I stopped to check on my favorite muppes and see waht they were up to and watch Voyage of the Little Mermaid to cool off. It was already blazing sweating hot. I just love that show, how cool would it be to be Ariel!? Just about any time I see the shows at WDW I wish I would have stayed in dance longer as a child and had some voice lessons.
My tummy was starting to grumble again and I was hot. Hot hot. Needed a break hot. So I headed toward the exit. It was about noon. Here is what you can expect at Hollywood Studios when you sleep in and enter at noon.
On my way out the door I decided it was time for one of these:
I pretty much only eat ice cream at Walt Disney world. I’m just weird like that. I don’t really like it at home, its ok but not something I ever am sitting around the house and go hmm I’d like some ice cream. But at Disney I can devour my fair share of Mickey Premiums, Mickey Cookie Sandwiches, Dole Whips (technically not ice cream), and my new favorite the Sleepy Hollow Ice Cream Cookie Sandwich.
So I said bye to Hollywood Studios and headed out for a break and some lunch.
October 14, 2013 Monday at 2:15 pm