pirategirl travel

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Solo in Saratoga Springs

What you say? You are married and have two kids, two jobs (at the time), and you are getting to take a solo trip to Walt Disney World? What??! How in the world did you manage that? Thanks for asking. It’s a long story I’ll give you the cliff notes. My husband, Matthew, is a missions leader for our church …Continue reading →


A Labor of Love: Why Labor Day is My Favorite Holiday

Happy Labor Day! This is my favorite holiday of the year because I associate it with our annual Disney World trip. This year is the first in a long time we have not been heading to WDW sometime this week. I will be down in a few weeks for a travel agent meeting and some fun in the parks with …Continue reading →


2012 Night of Joy ~ Night 2

After night one and the exhaustion it brought and tired feet and legs we decided to sleep in on day 2.  We were staying at Animal Kingdom Lodge for the first time ever and we spent more time at the resort this trip than we have before. We loved a lot of things about it. Day 2 we slept in, …Continue reading →


2012 Night of Joy ~ Night 1

2012 Night of Joy- Night 1 We planned our annual September trek to WDW around NOJ this year. We had missed the even the year prior to attend Food and Wine Festival and Magic Kingdom’s 40th anniversary but with the great line up being offered I couldn’t resist. Some of mine and my husband’s favorite bands were going to be …Continue reading →


Night of Joy? What’s that?

Night of Joys is Disney’s annual Contemporary Christian music festival held the first Friday and Saturday following Labor Day in the Magic Kingdom.  It features popular artists and has over the years hosted names like Michael W Smith, Stephen Curtis Chapman, Chris Tomlin, Casting Crowns, Third Day and even DC Talk.  The lineup changes year to year and now features …Continue reading →


The Pin Code Fake Out

I got one, finally! A pin code. Yah! What??……. You got an email from Disney Destinations, you excitedly click on it. A brand new shiny pretty email opens in your inbox and you scroll thru the details. A 6 night vacation for a family of 4 for under $2000. It seems like a good rate but what’s the special offer? …Continue reading →


Perfect Pedicture ~ A Vista Spa & Salon Experience

Vista Spa & Salon is an adult only retreat onboard the Disney Wonder. Disney describes it as a tranquil haven offering therapeutic and beautifying services for adults. As a spa fan (really who isn’t one?) I decided it was my duty to check it out when I was onboard. Mid winter had struck and it was time for a pedicure. …Continue reading →


Do I need to make Dining Reservations?

So you have booked your vacation to Walt Disney World, now what? It’s time to consider your dining choices. Walt Disney World accepts dining reservations for its tables service locations up to 180 days in advanced. From character meals to signature dining to everything in between you can reserve your time to dine. Some meals are very popular and book …Continue reading →


What is in a Name?

pirategirl, ok yeah I get it. Your one of those Disney people. Johnny Depp, Pirates of the Caribbean, Yo Ho, Yo Ho a Pirates Life for me. Ok makes sense. Not quite. Long before my Disney World fascination began I picked an internet handle that has stuck. Go back in time. Back to when getting online meant that distinct dial …Continue reading →


Disney Pin Codes

Do you have a pin? Umm the bank tells me not to tell that to anyone. No no not that pin code. Do you have a Disney pin code? What’s that you say? A pin code is a special marketing offer from Disney modeled just for your family. These are some of the biggest discounts offered all year. The promotions …Continue reading →