July, 2014
Save up to 30% on Fall room rates at Walt Disney World for 2014
Disney just announced a new promotional offer for up to 30% off your room reservation for this fall while staying at a Walt Disney World Resort. Travel between Oct 4-Nov 25 and Nov 29-Dec 23rd, 2014. Many resorts have very limited availability for this offer, contact me today to reserve your room. If you have an existing reservation with me …
July 23, 2014 Wednesday at 1:32 pm
Disney renews Miliary Salute Offer for 2014 and 2015
Walt Disney World has announced they will continue to offer military families a great deal to visit the parks during their vacations. The new offer runs from Sept 28, 2014- October 3, 2014. There are deeply discounted rooms available in all the resort categories, you can add on the dining plan to make it a package and you can purchase a …
July 22, 2014 Tuesday at 12:48 pm
Quick Tip- Ziplocs are your Friend
One of the most important things I take on my Disney vacations are Ziploc bags. I use them for lots of things. I prefer gallon size bags and my favorite Ziploc usage for Disney world is: Quart sized bags for carry on’s, up to 3 ounces of liquid in each bottle. You need to keep this one nearby when going …
July 1, 2014 Tuesday at 4:07 pm